A Professional Development and Systemic Change Process

Rather than being a “one-size-fits-all “approach, Gary Howard’s work is flexible and always responsive to the needs, evolving lessons, and on-the-ground realities of each school and district. With this in mind, it is suggested that the work be initially conceptualized as a 3-4 year process wherein activities would unfold in a sequence similar to the following:

Year One - Engaging the School District Leadership Team

Before implementing the Institute process with school-based teams, or simultaneously with that implementation, it is most beneficial if Gary Howard can provide three days of intensive interactive professional development for the entire central office leadership team.

By first engaging themselves in the process of deep personal and institutional growth and reflection, the leadership team increases their credibility to lead the district forward in creating a culture of inclusion, equity, and excellence. In this way, the benefits and lessons of the subsequent work with Culturally Responsive Leadership teams in selected school sites can be most efficiently and effectively shared with the broader school district community, and the process can be linked to other district initiatives related to equity, achievement, multicultural education, and courageous conversations on race.

Year Two*

  • Selection of Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) Leadership Teams from each participating school building in Cohort 1, usually consisting of the principal, other building administrators, and key teacher leaders.
  • Gary Howard facilitates four days of in-depth work with the CRT teams over the course of the year – Fall, Winter, and Spring.
  • CRT teams implement selected activities at all-faculty and/or departmental and grade level meetings in their respective school sites.
  • CRT Team members each carry out Personal Action Research projects aimed at improving their own practice related to the 7 Principles of CRT. Team members practice doing CRT classroom observations, doing walk-throughs in each other’s classrooms, and sharing their observation data with the rest of the faculty.
  • Evaluation of outcomes to date and building-level planning for Year II.

*Note: This work can also be initiated in Year One, concurrently with the Central Office leadership sessions.

Year Three

  • Three additional days of Gary Howard’s ongoing support work with the Cohort 1 CRT Teams – Fall, Winter, and Spring.
  • Cohort 2 schools are selected and participate in the first 4 days of the Institute.
  • Cohort 1 CRT team members lead their entire faculties in doing Action Research projects. Everyone selects one of the 7 Principles of CRT for which they will work to improve their own practice.
  • CRT teams become skilled at doing school-wide and classroom-based observations of doorways and barriers related to each of the 7 Principles of CRT. More teachers are asked to volunteer to be observed, and once again the data is shared with the entire faculty.
  • Evaluation, reflection, and Year III planning.

Year Four

  • Cohort 3 schools are selected and participate in the first 4 days of the Institute.
  • Cohort 1 CRT teams function independently and Gary Howard provides support and consultation only as needed by telephone, online, or on-site.
  • Cohort 2 CRT teams lead their faculties in doing Action Research projects. Everyone selects one of the 7 Principles of CRT for which they will work to improve their own practice.
  • Teachers who have heretofore not participated are invited into the CRT classroom observation process.
  • If it has not been done previously, all classified staff are engaged in professional development related to cultural competence and culturally responsive practice in their arenas of work, including classroom assistants, secretaries, custodians, food service workers, bus drivers, and security personnel.
  • Planning for ongoing implementation and measurement of school-wide targeted strategic outcomes related to Culturally Responsive Teaching and Practice.
  • Evaluation of the 3-4 year process and designing next steps.